Friday, July 5, 2013

M14 As A Whole

So we are 201/249 cards spoiled. Pretty sweet. So what are my thoughts so far? So far I have been pretty impressed as far as the snore fest M13 was. (seriously exalted was soooooooooooo boring). But I'll break it down in little sections.


Alright lets start by looking at the big splashies. So we got two new ones as well as Memory Adept, Caller of Pride, and Lilly of the Dark Realms. As far as reprints goes I miss old Ajani but each of them aren't terrible. Just not the best walkers of their groups (and not talking about Mind Sculptor...that would be so stupid...I miss Baby Jace). But we got two new kids on the block...

Well I really really like the art on this babe first. But in all honesty this isn't much better than Firebrand if at all. Her 0 essentially pseudo draws you a card which isn't terrible but isn't great compared to red decks current 4 drops. Her + is pretty nifty but when can we let a red walker just shock things. That would make them soooo much more playable. Finally her ultimate is indeed an ultimate. Not too much more to say about that. If she sees play it will be for her 0 but she is no Koth.

This guy. He is really really cool for EDH. Standard playability really depends on the meta but he will either see play or see fringe play. Either way I am really hyped about this guy.

Other Mythics

For the most part the other mythics have been pretty cool. My personal favorites are Rise of the Dark Realms, Archangel of Thune, and Kalion Hydra. But so far I haven't been disappointed with too many...besides Devout Invocation and Scourge of Valakas...but those haven't been Emmara bad.

Cool Rares

Well I now need to get a foily Bogbrew Witch. Thanks Wizards. And a foily Dark Prophecy...cause that is so good.

I mean look at it! LOOK AT IT! Sure it sucks that you are forced to and it costs 3 black...but my Shirei deck is going to make sweet sweet love to it. 

Also I missed you Door of Destinies. Casual players rejoice. And if you wanna see my view on slivers look back a bit. (spoiler alert: not too thrilled with the new "slivers"). Oh and of course fucking Scavenging Ooze.

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