Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lavinia of the No

Hey there Mr. Brendan.

Jimmy...what the hell are you doing at my house?

Well...I wanted help with my new deck.

...Jimmy it's been two days since I helped you with your last one. What the hell?

Well...I heard about something called "Control" and I wanted to try it out.

Jimmy that is way too advanced for you.

What?!!! I am smart and stuff!

You see Jimmy by advanced...I mean expensive. Very. Very. Expensive.

But I'll just swipe my mom's credit card.

Fair enough Jimmy. Who did you have in mind?

This super cool guild champion Lavinia of the Tenth. She stops everything!!!

Well Jimmy to be honest she isn't that great in EDH but let's see what we can do with her.


*an hour and a half later*

Alright Jim, this is what I came up with.

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